~ 16 November 2010 ~
Decided to go to やさい村 大地 赤坂本店 with one of my Arashi buddy in Nov. This is the Yakiniku restaurant in Akasaka that Arashi had walked from TBS station to with the Korean model, in one of the Himitsu no Arashichan episode (Air date: 2010.08.15 Ep #98 Thanks to moobooh! ^__^). (Can someone tell me which ep date? is it so that I can put it down as reference.)
This is a Korean Yakiniku restaurant. The Korean model likes this place because it serves many different varieties of vegetables!! And the only meat they serve is pork.
We decided to order the meat set that cost 3,500yen and it comes with 200g worth of meat and all-you-can-eat veggies!! If you print out the discount coupon, it will only cost you 2,900yen. At the end, it also comes serve with a choice of either a rice or noddle dish.
As with all Korean food, it comes serve first with the side dishes. Not spicy at all!
Next, we have the all-you-can-eat veggies!!!
There is even an explanation page to let you know what kind of veggies you are eating and how to eat it!
Next up its the pork meat!!!
All ready to eat!!! ^__^
I decided to go with rice and 味噌チゲ” as my last dish (included in the set).
Overall, I feel that the food here is only average. The pork gets abit tough to bite at the end. x__x The pork itself have no taste as it is not miranated at all. So you really have to eat it together with the miso paste.
The place have alot of female customers as the selling point is the many varieties of veggies are being served. However, after eating the many different types of veggies, I started to feel like a cow!!! lol And some of the veggies do taste abit weird when eaten raw!! x__x (So not really all veggies are suitable to be eaten raw!)
And there is this type of vegetable that is always serve in steamboat in Singapore. And here they serve them raw. Gosh!! Me and my friend said that we should have dipped some of these veggies into our hot soup to cook them for awhile before eating!!! lol
Even though its all-you-can-eat veggies, we didn't even manage to finish the portion that they serve us as it is really alot of veggies to eat together with only 200g of meat.
The only best part of dining here is that the staff will help you to grill your meat. They seems to know the exact timing to come over to your table and help you grill and turn over your meat. And we don't smell too badly when we came out of the restaurant as they have quite good ventilation.
Actually, I don't think the boys will have enjoy this place because it is too much veggies! Especially with Sho and Aiba being much of more of a meat-lover.
Frankly speaking, yakiniku without beef but pork is not REAL yakiniku! I would still prefer beef yakinuku any other time!!!
Additional notes:
やさい村 大地 赤坂本店(ヤサイムラ ダイチ)
Event: TBS ひみつの嵐ちゃん! Air Date: 2010.08.15 Ep #98
Cuisine: Korean 韓国料理 (豚バラ肉 / 野菜食べ放題)
Address & Tel: 東京都港区赤坂3-16-4 DMKビル 2F & 03-3589-2389
Access: 東京メトロ地下鉄 千代田線「赤坂駅」2番出口 徒歩3分 / 銀座線・南北線・丸の内線「赤坂見附駅」徒歩5分
Opening Hours: 月~土17:00~翌3:00 / 日曜~祝日17:00~23:00 定休日: 無 (夜10時以降入店可、夜12時以降入店可、日曜営業)
Branch: 赤坂田町通り店